Friday, 11 April 2014


I decided to make this blog to sort out all my revision for The Great Gatsby, for my English AS exam in May 2014. Hopefully this will help me out and maybe help some other people who stumble across it. :)

And just a note, over the year I have been studying this text I have read A LOT of books, essays, websites, blogs etc on Gatsby. Anything I directly quote or use to a great extent will be appropriately footnoted. However, it is possible that I may repeat things I have taken in from my wider reading and not credit them, as of course I cannot remember everything I have read and what I learned from where. I do not and will never actively plagiarise.

Also, I cannot promise anything on this blog is 100% correct. I am not a scholar on this book or anything, I am just an A level student! Novels are open to interpretation and not everyone will agree with my ideas/the ideas I have compiled. However I of course think through everything I write, and only post things I believe to make sense.

Anyway, I hope the blog is some help!

- Claudia

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